BeMa Nutrition C.I.C.

As qualified nutritionists, our goal is to help you gain a ​deeper understanding of your relationship with food for ​greater overall health and happiness.

Through our online diet plans or face-to-face group sessions, we’ll use ​our diverse range of skills and evidence-based knowledge to assist you in ​choosing healthier eating habits - for life!

Mark Beattie

Registered Associate Nutritionist (ANutr)

  • Graduate of BSc (Hons) Nutritional Sciences ​at Manchester Metropolitan University.


  • Has a particular interest in helping others ​reduce symptoms of Irritable Bowel ​Syndrome by dietary and lifestyle changes.​


  • Loves music, hiking, nature, cycling and ​growing fruits & vegetables on his allotment.

Laura Mayo

Registered Associate Nutritionist (ANutr)

  • Graduate of BSc (Hons) Nutritional Sciences ​at Manchester Metropolitan University.

  • Has a keen interest in sustainable diets and ​helping others to make more sustainable ​choices.

  • Enjoys walking, gardening, playing in an ​orchestra and keeping the menagerie of cats ​and chickens at home entertained.

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