Nutrition facts

Nutritional Services

Group Sessions

We can create face-to-face group sessions tailored to your particular needs or requirements.

We provide sessions in any setting, from churches to offices, and cafes to community centres!

Sessions can be on any topic, such as eating well on a low budget, or reducing your salt intake.

Online Diet Plans

Our online diet plans are easy to ​follow and great value for money

Step 1:

Choose a plan that works for you and ​you’ll receive a blank food diary to ​complete and return to us.

Step 2:

We’ll analyse your diary and provide ​you with practical and tailored advice ​to encourage you to eat in a more ​healthy and balanced way.

Plan Options

Nutrient Checker


  • An instruction pack is sent with a blank food diary to complete over 3-7 consecutive days.
  • Return your completed diary and receive nutritional advice based on your current diet.

Lifestyle Reboot


  • Everything included in the Nutrient Checker.
  • PLUS detailed behaviour change guidance to help you achieve your health goals.
  • A personalised 2-week meal plan with a tailored shopping list.

Lifestyle Reboot Plus


  • Everything included in the Lifestyle Reboot.
  • PLUS an online progress review one month after your initial feedback.